Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Roadmap Home – A Book Review




For many of us, there is a sense of comfort in the word.

The word conjures up feelings of family, a place of safety, a place that contains some items of importance or perhaps it is a place where we can feel like we can really be ourselves.

But home is not just a physical place, a physical structure that contains or enables these things.

Oftentimes it can also be a state of mind, a place within our own sense of spirit where we feel safe, where we can be ourselves and where we feel most comfortable.

For many of us who accept that such a place of spiritual centeredness exists, there have been many times when we felt that we were not “home”.  Perhaps there were times when we were not only not home, but we had no knowledge of how to get home.

Finding Your Way Home

For all of those people who wonder how to find their way home, “The Roadmap Home – Your GPS to Inner Peace” may be just the book that one needs.

The author, Leonard Szymczak, has been a psychotherapist and educator for over 35 years.  He has impressive credentials, including Director of The Family Therapy Program at the Marriage and Family Centre in Sydney, Australia, and later serving as a senior affiliate therapist with the Family Institute at Northwestern University.

I could say that Mr. Szymczak’s writing style is engaging for it is indeed that.

I could also suggest that his insights into the challenges of finding our way home are profound for they are incredibly powerful.

I could even suggest that his exercises in self-exploration are powerful and resonate with the reader because they definitely do that also.

However, the thing that I found to be most impactful in Mr. Szymczak’s book is his incredible, personal story.

Many authors tell a story of the path to personal growth or freedom but they do it from the standpoint of “I have never had these challenges but since you do, I think this is the best way to solve them”.  Such books leave many readers disconnected from the author as the reader thinks “what do you know of my journey?”.

Such is not the case with Mr. Szymczak’s life journey.

Consider this from the opening pages:

Home is about belonging – to a place, a group of people, a wellspring of love. A place where one is comforted, nurtured and protected. Where one can feel safe and secure and can gather strength in the face of adversity. Most importantly, it’s a place to live one’s truth.

That was not my home. Mine was a place ravaged by my father’s mental illness, domestic violence, blaming parents, and their impending divorce. It was a place riddled with conflict, fear and anxiety. Home was not a fortress of protection. Rather, it was a crumbling castle with dragons spewing hot flames. I felt insecure and unsafe, and realized later that I had lost a more sacred space – that place of inner knowing where I had inalienable rights – the right to exist, to feel, to think and act, to love and be loved, to express myself and be heard, to see my potential and have it recognized and blessed. That home was clearly lost by the time I visited the orphanage.

I knew as I read these opening lines that this was going to be an intimate, heart-to-heart sharing.

I was so unprepared for what followed.

Beginning the Journey

As you read this book, you feel like you have a life-long friend beside you, guiding you back to your place of inner peace.  You feel like you have a mentor who has lived your life in the past, been blessed and challenged by those experiences and now wants to share his observations and lessons with you.

Using powerful examples from his personal life that resonate with the reader’s own life, Mr. Szymczak guides the reader on a powerful journey back to their own sense of self – a place where they appreciate their great gifts and the miracle that they are.

They find a way to rediscover how incredible they are and what an incredibly important piece of the puzzle of Life that they represent.

He makes the reader feel loved and important in the greater scheme of Life.

Mr. Szymczak’s process is gentle and yet focused.  He guides the reader through the process of identifying where home is.  After all, you can’t get there if you don’t know where you are and where you need to go.

He then helps the reader, using powerful exercises and visualization techniques, to follow a guided journey that helps the reader identify the guideposts that assure them they are on the right path.

He adeptly shows the reader how to shake off the wounds of our past that so often are the primary obstacles that prevent us from finding our way home.

Having helped the reader find their way home, he then provides the means for helping the reader stay there, living a life of fulfillment from a place of spiritual power, personal strength and personal authenticity.

Creating a Powerful Message

The book “The Roadmap Home” is the most powerful book I have read in a long time in the genre of personal growth.

I think the book owes much of this to Mr. Szymczak’s background as a psychotherapist.

However I think most of the power of this book comes from the fact that Mr. Szymczak has been there – he has lived a life where he was a long way from home.  He has spent his life journeying back to the place that he calls home and now his heart calls him to share this roadmap with others.

This is one of those books where you will want to write the author to thank him for the profound impact he had on your life.

I did.

If you want to read a book that makes a powerful impact on your life, then “The Roadmap Home” is such a book.

As I write this on Thanksgiving Day 2009, I am reminded of the power of the simple expression “welcome home”.  Home is a place of personal and spiritual power - a place filled with love and acceptance of the beauty of every person.

This book can help you get there.

Welcome home.

In service and servanthood.


Overcoming Einstein’s Law of Insanity – A Review of “Drive” by Daniel Pink



We have all heard variations of Einstein’s Law of Insanity – to expect a different result from doing the same thing over and over.

Unfortunate confirmation of the pervasiveness of this law is all around us:

  • The company who hires an expert to guide them, knowing the expert has guided all of their recent clients into oblivion.
  • The company that follows the same means of execution, watching their profits ride up and down like a roller coaster.  Each dip gets a little lower, but they assure themselves that their strategy is sound and no changes are necessary.
  • The organization that struggles with making a profit and because of their struggles with revenue, insist that the only help they will accept is that which is offered free-of-charge or at below market-value.  After the free resource has left, their profits dip even more, they find another free resource and the cycle continues until a catastrophic end is in sight.
  • The leaders who have so much ego that they cannot accept guidance from anyone and insist to everyone that everything is under control right up until the end.
  • The organizations that pleads “we are a not-for-profit of some type and can’t afford to pay for assistance”.  Some are successful anyway but many struggle from year to year accepting whatever they can get for free or at minimal expense, loudly espousing great things while hiding from others, the opportunities they missed or didn’t take advantage of.
  • Organizations that have broken compensation models that don’t reward smart behavior and yet have leaders that complain when revenue is down.  I personally witnessed a sales team years ago that went after a $1 million project while intentionally bypassing a $300 million project.  Why? Because they had a commission model that knew how to reward one type of sale but not the other.  So individual got rewarded for the small deal while the organization missed its overall sales target.

Creatures of Habit – Breaking the Habit Before it Breaks Us

Being creatures of habit, we often will not follow a different path unless we are forced to or we are offered a significant motivation to change.  Surprisingly, fear of failure for many people is not sufficient motivation, since they believe that they will always save themselves right before things collapse completely.

How do we change our motivation model and therefore our results?

If you are a leader, owner or advisor to companies who suffer from the results of Einstein’s Law of Insanity, then you need to apply a cranial defibrillator to the head of the leadership team (or perhaps have someone apply it to you).

Daniel Pink’s latest book, “Drive – The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us” is such a cranial defibrillator.

I found Mr. Pink’s book to be a blast (not just a breath) of fresh air.

Using a writing style that is engaging, informative and enjoyable, Mr. Pink takes the last 50 years of research in diagnosing and improving motivational behaviors and presents it to the reader in such a way that the reader says “Duh … of course”.

Now That We Know What Motivates and Demotivates

Having come to such obvious conclusions, then the reader is forced to ask themselves these questions.

Why am I not doing this? 

Why is my organization not doing this? 

How can we change how we motivate ourselves and others?

Drive” explains what motivates and demotivates us personally and professionally.  Commonly used “carrot and stick” models, even ones that people don’t realize are carrot and stick models, are shown for what they are – models that for the most part motivate for the short term but are detrimental in the long run for most situations.

Mr. Pink then discusses intrinsic versus extrinsic motivators, intrinsic being the things that motivate us from within (based on our purpose, passion and sense of self-fulfillment) versus extrinsic sources – external factors that are offered in an attempt to motivate people or artificially guide results.

Intrinsic motivators, that which we do because it gives us a sense of purpose and fulfillment and which makes use of our gifts and talents are then analyzed along three primary elements:


How self directed are you and your team in terms of control over time, tasks, techniques and teams when called upon to produce a given result and what are the surprising truths and myths that exist around giving people more autonomy?


What are the laws around accomplishing mastery of knowledge and technique in a given subject area?


How does one define, ignite and sustain a sense of purpose?

Implementing New Models

Many books in this genre tend to end the discussion at this point, leaving the reader hanging; wondering “ok, you’ve got me all excited but how do I move towards a better model?”.

Mr. Pink doesn’t disappoint.  The last part of his book contains a toolkit with practical strategies and ideas to enhance motivational models for, but not limited to:

  1. Individuals
  2. Organizations
  3. Parents and educators
  4. Maintaining a fitness regimen
  5. Compensation plans for employees

He closes his book with a wealth of guidance from experts who “get it”, the likes of Peter Drucker, Jim Collins, Gary Hamel and more.

Without a doubt, I rank this book as one of the top books in its space in terms of addressing how to motivate yourself and others.

It boils a LOT of research in motivational behavior down into practical, understandable, obvious diagnosis of modern day challenges.  It then provides powerful prescriptions to help heal the motivational woes of individuals and organizations.

The next time you or your organization needs a little ummph added to the team’s level of motivation, forget about people who sell you rah-rah corporate events or tell you that you just need to communicate more effectively. 

I blogged recently about how hundreds of us were once flown across the country so that we could literally play “pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey” at a corporate motivation-builder event.  I don’t know how you would react, but personally I was offended for my team and I to be treated like 5-years-olds at incredible expense and my client was incensed to hear that we were out of the office for a few days for a mandatory morale building exercise that turned out to be insulting (and thus demotivating) instead of boosting our motivation.

Many of us left in the months that followed that exercise, with the exercise having proven to many that the company really didn’t understand what motivates people.

Don’t fall into this trap and don’t allow your teams to be further demotivated.

Instead, pick up a copy of Daniel Pink’s book “Drive”, strap on your seatbelt and prepare to be whisked into a new paradigm – a paradigm where we finally embrace a true understanding of what motivates ourselves and others and shows how to use that information to create greater productivity and a sense of fulfillment – both personally and professionally.

It will one of the most refreshing and informative books you will have read for a while.

And it could change your life and the life of your company.

I choose transforming my knowledge, execution and sense of purpose over pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey any day of the week.

How about you?

In service and servanthood.


For my Musings-in-a-Minute version of “Overcoming Einstein’s Law of Insanity – A Review of “Drive” by Daniel Pink”, please click here.

“The Catholic Vision For Leading Like Jesus” – A Book Review



“Each of us is not only called to be a leader, but we are all leaders by default – whether we like it or not.”

Thus opens one of the best books I have ever read on servant leadership and the most powerful book I have ever read on stewardship – the notion of contributing our time, talent and treasure to those who need it.

The author, Dr. Owen Phelps, is the Director of Yeshua Catholic International Leadership Institute.  He is a writer, college professor, master catechist and trainer – to say the least.  To see his impressive background, please go here.

First of all, I have to admit that despite my openness and acceptance of many things, I have become somewhat skeptical of a lot of books in the motivational / inspirational / personal growth genre.

Why is this?  It’s because many of them either say the same thing that others in the genre have already said or they promise much and deliver little.  For many authors, they are merely piggybacking on the great results produced by others.

Such is not the case with this book.

This book was inspired by the book “Lead Like Jesus”, co-authored by Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges.

First of all, Dr. Phelps explains that leadership is not about power or authority.  In fact, he explains this way:

Effective leadership is not about formal power or money.  It is about integrity.  Leadership begins in the heart.

The book goes on to address four powerful questions that many people find themselves pondering over.

The first three transcend people of all creeds, faiths and beliefs:

  1. Whom do I influence in big or small ways?
  2. How will I be remembered?  What is my legacy?
  3. What is the source of influence with others and how can I exert this influence?

The fourth question is one that many Christians who are passionate about service within their faith ask:

  1. How do I fit into Christ’s mission and message for the world?

Dr. Phelps answers these questions by introducing us to the concept of S3 leadership – the concept that we all act as Servant, Steward and Shepherd as we serve our fellow human beings.

Within the notion of servant leadership, Dr. Phelps explores the art of being the servant to others.  What he means by this is that as a servant, we seek to influence others and help others to grow and shine.  Our purpose is in the form of selfless giving to others instead of working towards our own gains and rewards as our first priority.

As a servant leader, the author suggests that when we act with our own priorities first and foremost, our ego places us in jeopardy as our sense of self-worth is based on pride-based or fear-based models.

When we move towards a servant-based leadership model , our modus operandi is transformed from being pride and fear-based to one that is based on humility and confidence in our purpose to serve and help others.

Such a model is transformational in concept and implementation and changes the very fundamental of human interaction.

The notion of steward as the second part of S3 is equally powerful.  If we accept that as a steward, we assume responsibility for taking care of things that do not belong to us, then we begin to feel compelled to make a difference in as many aspects of life as we can.  This responsibility covers a broad spectrum of things, ranging from the welfare of all living things on the planet to taking care of the planet itself.

The final element of S3, being the shepherd, is based on two very important concepts – the power of trust and and the power of unconditional love.  If we are unable to trust and love ourselves, our ability to work with others will be severely limited.  In turn, having accomplished this level of self-acceptance, it is critical to be able to establish trust and unconditional love with others in order to be able to offer help and to accept help if offered.

Just as the shepherd loves his sheep unconditionally and the sheep trust the shepherd through the shepherd’s actions, our ability to truly serve the needs of others will only manifest when we have the ability to love and serve others unconditionally and in a trustful way.

Dr. Phelps uses a quote from Scripture that summarizes the notion of S3 perfectly:

Finally, all of you, have unity of spirit, sympathy, love for one another, a tender heart, and a humble mind.

- 1 Peter 3:8 (NAB)

The workbook that is available for this book is equally powerful.  For stewardship groups that struggle with how to get their group or parish stewardship activities engaged on a higher level, the workbook is a powerful guide.

In fact, the workbook is the best guide to stewardship that I have seen in my many years of stewardship activities.  It’s flexible, insightful structure is an asset to beginning groups who need help with structure and execution and for advanced groups looking for fresh, new ideas to take their efforts to a higher level.

If you are an individual seeking to expand your stewardship activities or you represent a group looking to implement larger stewardship initiatives, this book and the accompanying workbook are a must-read.

If you are not faith-based or are Christian but not necessarily Roman Catholic but you seek to expand your leadership abilities and your ability to influence others, this book is also a must read for you.

Dr. Phelps closes his book with a quote from Scripture that I found to be powerful and made me stop and think before I closed the book:

Finally, brothers and sisters, farewell.  Put things in order, listen to my appeal, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.

- 2 Corinthians 13:11 (NAB)

The book is available from your traditional book retailers and from the publishing company directly.  The publisher can also be found at

I wish you well on your exploration of servant leadership and your quest to help others.

In service and servanthood.


For my Musings-in-a-Minute review of “The Catholic Vision for Leading Like Jesus" – A Book Review”, please click here.